Found 57 blog entries tagged as Buying.


Chances are, you know that you should change the batteries in your smoke detectors at least once a year — even if you suspect the batteries are still good.

But that isn't the only fire safety check you should do annually. Here are some other recommended tips to help keep you and your family safe.

  • Clean your stove burners and oven regularly. Hard grease build-up can become combustible.
  • Check your cupboard for cleaning products, paints and other liquids that are flammable. Read each label carefully. Use and store each product only as recommended.
  • If you keep a fire extinguisher in your kitchen — and you should — confirm that it is still good. Extinguishers are like food. They have expiry dates!
  • Go over your fire escape plan with…

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Why is making a big change in life often so difficult?


According to psychologists, maintaining the "status quo" is one of the most powerful motivations we have. If things are "okay", even making a change for the better can be difficult. Our brains resist.


You may have experienced this if you’ve thought about selling your current property and finding your next dream home. Your house may be "good enough" for you now and the neighborhood might be "okay" too. So, even if your dream is to get into a better home that's more suited to your family and lifestyle, you may be hesitant.


That's just the way the psychology works.


One way to get around this psychology is to get your dream out of your head and on to paper. Write…

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They say the three most important considerations when buying real estate is location, location, location. But what does that mean? How do you break that down? I mean, it sounds cool but how does anyone apply it in a useful way to navigate the biggest purchase of their life? Recently I took the time to break it down and map it out in a useful way to the average buyer. I drew on the years of experience I had helping people buy homes in the new home industry where, as a sales professional I had little control over the physical location. I was in one community sometimes having inventory on only one street. I also spoke with people in my own circle about how they found their perfect home. What mattered to them and how did that fit the paradigm of…

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Renting Vs. Buying

There are many pros and cons to both renting and buying a home, and both need to be weighed equally depending on your current life and financial situation. Ultimately, you will have to determine what is in your best interest.


You are not responsible for fixing or replacing anything associated with the home, like the furnace, water heater, appliances, or roof.

You are not responsible for paying the property taxes.

You may find that your living expenses are lower because you do not have to worry about the extra costs that come with owning a home.

You don’t have to worry about the housing market taking a downturn.

Renting an apartment or sharing a home means dealing with people living below, above,…

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Saving Money for a New Home

Buying a new home takes some planning and some strategic saving; but, with a little forethought coupled with action, you can make home buying a reality.

Be aware that you will need at least a 20% down payment of the purchase price of the house to avoid having to use Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) for default insurance. However, using default insurance through CMHC allows you to place a down payment of only 5% of the purchase price of the home. Keep in mind that you will pay more on your mortgage by obtaining default insurance. Below are some tips to help you save money for a down payment on a house:

Take a look at your monthly expenses. Determine what you can realistically afford to put away per month. Once you have determined…

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As you've probably noticed, credit card companies regularly offer bonuses to get you to apply for their cards. For example, one such card company offers opportunities to buy tickets to concerts and other events ahead of everyone else. It's their "front of the line" service.

When you’re searching for a new home, wouldn't it be great if you could get to the front of the line on desirable properties – before other buyers get the chance?

Well, in a way, you can.

The first thing you need to do is create a profile for the specific type of home you're looking to buy. That profile will need to include the basics, such as type of home (e.g. detached), size and rooms (e.g. 2000-2,500 sq. ft., 3 bedrooms, 2 baths), and your target…

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Industry know-how

To be honest, you won't see as many transactions as a REALTOR® does. An average family buys/sells Real Estate every 5 to 10 years. This is because when you buy a house, you're looking to create a home. You want your family to grow in it and you're only going to look to move from it if your family has outgrown it due to a baby on the way or kids growing up (upsizing) or the house has become too big due to the kids leaving for university or buying their own property (downsizing). This means that you probably don’t have a lot of experience with the ins and outs of real estate.  On the flip side of things, REALTORS® have the experience and education to get things done within the industry. They handle contracts and the real estate process…

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Dealing with Stress when Selling Your Home 

Let's face it. Planning events, even exciting ones like an overseas vacation, can be stressful. So, it's not surprising that some homeowners — even those thrilled about moving — can slip into "worry mode" when putting their property up for sale. 

Unfortunately, this anxiety can make the process of selling an unpleasant experience. Who wants that? So here are some things you can do to reduce selling stress and enjoy the adventure. 

  • Understand the selling process. The more you know about the steps involved in selling your home, the less mysterious — and, therefore, less stressful — it will be.
  • Give yourself the time you need. Feeling rushed and stressed comes from trying to do too much in too little…

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Image result for house piggy bank

When looking at purchasing a home, one thing that many people are concerned about is the ability to put a down payment on the property. A 20% down payment of the purchase price of the home is typically required. If a 20% down payment is not doable, then a 5% option is available. However, you are then required to have mortgage insurance through CMHC to be able to qualify for the mortgage.

Regardless if it is a 5% or 20% down payment, the government of Canada allows home buyers to use their RRSPs to purchase a home without a penalty for withdrawing the RRSPs This is called Home Buyer’s Plan or HBP.

However, before you withdraw anything, the following conditions must be met:

1)     The maximum amount you can withdraw from your RRSPs per year is…

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With 13 Legacy Gate SE, Calgary hitting the Real Estate Market, it is time to answer the age old question: Why Live in Legacy, Calgary?


Legacy is a residential neighborhood located in the SE of Calgary, Alberta. The community of Legacy has roughly 15 km of scenic pathways that pass serene ponds, wide open green spaces the ridge of the environmental reserve making Legacy a wonderful option for walk-ability. There is ample space to cycle, jog, stroll, enjoy a coffee or picnic wherever you choose. You can even walk from one end of the community to the other without ever leaving the pathways. Legacy is home to: All Saints High School, A future Public Junior High School, Separate K-9 School, Public Elementary School. Kids of all ages can go to…

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