11 Telltale Signs It’s Time For a New Home Main Image

Could it be time for a new Edmonton home? Here are 11 telltale signs.

1. You’re Tired of Paying Someone Else’s Mortgage

Why line someone else’s pockets with your hard-earned money when you could be working towards your own financial freedom? Homeownership won’t just get you out from underneath your landlord’s thumb, it will also help you build valuable home equity and maintain stable monthly payments (goodbye surprise rent increases).

2. Your Family is Growing

Perhaps you’ve met that special someone. Or maybe you and your partner are planning on expanding your home to include children, pets or ageing family members. A larger property will allow you to make room for your flourishing family.

3. The Kids Have Flown the Coop

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Helpful Programs First-Time Buyers Main Image

Are you looking to buy your first home but struggling to come up with a down payment? These first-time buyer programs can help.

CMHC Mortgage Default Insurance

Admittedly, mortgage default insurance isn’t a “program” per se, but it is beneficial for helping first-time buyers realize their dream of home ownership. To purchase a home in Canada, you’ll require a minimum down payment of 5% on the home’s overall purchase price. Buyers with a down payment of 19.99% or less will be required to purchase mortgage default insurance, which protects the lender in the event you, the borrower, default on your mortgage loan. 

In short, mortgage default insurance enables buyers to purchase a home with as little down payment as possible. 

First-Time Home…

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